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Die WASTL-Arena
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Action and fun for children of all ages

Everything for kids

At the 4-star family hotel Neubergerhof, children get all the attention they need. Here, there are holiday experiences both indoors and outdoors that leave nothing to be desired.

We often hear from parents when they are asked where their children are - “Oh, they are around somewhere!” And there is only one reason for this - the children are so busy in the stables with the animals, in the WASTL Kid’s Club or in the large sports hall that they regularly lose track of time.

 Ideal location for family vacation © Christine Höflehner
 In winter, the snowy landscape is incomparable. © Klaus Bauer

Convenient location

The Neubergerhof is located at the end of the access road and is, in a way, a dead end. The road that leads to our farm is one-lane. Thus, there is never any real traffic to be expected. All cars, trucks and buses that arrive at the Neubergerhof know that children romp around here and enjoy their holidays.

Frog in the wood
Our creek for playing and cooling off
 In the Neubergerhof forest
Kids and teenagers have a hundred opportunities to experience unique holidays in Filzmoos.

Neuberg forest and stream

... between meadows and forests at the valley ...

Our hotel is located at the foot of our local mountain, the Bischofsmütze, and is nestled between green forests and flowering meadows. Kids and teens have hundreds of opportunities to experience unique holidays here in Filzmoos.

The forest invites you to a fun game of hide and seek or an exciting treasure hunt. We go searching for tracks together or collect natural materials to make a gift for mum and dad afterwards.

At the small creek below the hotel we have already built countless dams. And there is still enough space for new ones! Pick up your shovel and off you go. Or we can install water wheels, paint stones and create a colourful creek bed.

Playgrounds and sports fields

directly at the hotel

Our large playground with swing, sandpit, climbing frame and play hut is located directly at the hotel. Below the building is the sports field for football and other fun sports. From the terrace you have a great view, and the children are always in view.

WASTL play and adventure rooms


On the 1st basement level is the WASTL Arena, the main meeting point for our childcare. Here, the kids can get creative while painting and crafting, building their own castle with Lego or playing in the doll's kitchen. This is a large, colourful space to feel good and let off steam.

One floor lower is the 6 metre high climbing wall. You can climb up unsecured only to the mark. Secured with a climbing harness and ropes under the supervision of professionals, you can go all the way to the top. And right next to it is the soft play area with ball bath.

The children are happy to stay in the WASTL Plexx, our sports and games hall, especially when it’s wet outside. Football, zombie ball, theatre and cinema performances, discos – there is enough space here to realise all their ideas.

The softplay area © Selina Flasch Photography
Der Sportplatz am Haus
Spielen im WASTL-Plexx, unserer Turn- und Sporthalle © Selina Flasch Photography
 Have fun with friends in the WASTL Outdoor Camp © Mannitou Outdoor
Adventures & friends

WASTL Outdoor Camp - the holiday camp

Here at the Hotel Neubergerhof, children and teens from 7 to 15 years old can have an outdoors training with pedagogically trained professionals from the company Mannitou Outdoor, and this is unique in our region. Under the motto of “Adventures & Friends” children and teenagers are trained as rangers while spending their holiday time in the summer holiday camp at the Neubergerhof in Filzmoos. Divided into age-appropriate groups, the children and teenagers get to know and love the nature, and also make lots of friends in the numerous activities.

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