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For cooking at home there are the most beautiful recipes from Maria and Martin Reiter and chef Lars Uhlig

Recipe ideas

Maria and Martin Reiter and chef Lars are happy to announce some of the most secret Neubergerhof recipes. For cooking at home or as a surprise for loved ones. Bring a little bit Neubergerhof-feeling into your kitchen. We wish you lots of fun and bon appetit.
 The Neubergerhof cookbook
Bon appetit!

Our cookbook:

In addition to basic recipes for dough, stocks and soups, you will find tasty dishes from Kaiserschmarrn, homemade ravioli and roast suckling pig and much more.

Maria Reiter's recipe ideas

Apple strudel
Apple strudel (covered apple pie)

Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry:

  • 300g flour
  • 2 tablespoons of icing sugar
  • 250g margarine or butter
  • 2 egg yolk
  • salt
  • 2 tablespoons cold water

Apple filling:
Peel approx. 12 medium sized apples and cut leaves. Mix it with cinnamon, sugar, rum, vanilla sugar, lemon juice and raisins.

Pile flour on the worktop, add butter in small pieces and crumble. Knead it with the ramaining ingredients to a dough and let it cool rest. Roll out the dough on a floured working surface thick as a knife. Put the apple filling on one side of the dough and roll it slowly together. Place the strudel on a greased baking sheet, brush a whisked egg on the top and bake it in the preheated tube at 160°C for approx. 45 min. Cut into chilled pieces and serve.

Bircher muesli
Bircher muesli

Ingredients for approx. 1 liter:

  • 60 g oatmeal
  • 20 g sugar
  • 20 g grated hazelnuts
  • 250 g roughly grated apple
  • 150 g berries
  • 1/8 l milk
  • 1/4 l yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 diced orange
  • 1 roughly grated pear
  • 1 banana

Mix everything together and add a little bit rum and lemon juice.

Baked curd pie with pears
Baked curd pie with pears

Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry:

  • 250 g cold butter
  • 330 g flour
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons cold water
  • 2 teaspoons icing sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt

Pile flour, icing sugar and salt on the work surface, add small pieces of butter and crumble it. Knead it with the ramaining ingredients to a dough and let it cool rest.

Ingredients and preparation for the filling:
Mix 75 dag curd, 3 eggs, vanilla sugar, lemon peel and 20 dag icing sugar. Then slowly stir in 1 coffee-cup of oil, 6 dag puding powder, a little bit of rum and half a litre of Milk. Roll out the dough on a floured working surface thick as a knife. Cover the cake base with compote pears and then pour the mixture onto it. Bake the pie slowly at 160°C - 170°C.

  • Ingredients for a big portion:

    3 eggs
  • 100 g flour
  • ¼ l milk
  • 1 pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients together.
IMPORTANT: Add the eggs last and mix it loosely with the dough. Let the fat heat up in a pan, pour in the dough and bake it until it is golden-brown on both sides. Cut it up in small pieces and add icing sugar on top. It goes perfectly with applesauce, cranberries or other fruit compotes.

You can use the dough also for pancakes. Let the fat heat up in the pan. Pour in the dough and spread it thinly in the pan. Bake it until it is golden on both sides. You can fill the pancakes with jam, chocolate or anything else. The taste of our "sinner pancakes" is particularly good. Fill it with Vanilla ice cream, cover it with hot blueberries and garnish with wipped cream. Add some icing sugar and you can already enjoy.

Salzburg dumplings
Salzburg dumplings

Ingredients for 2-4 persones:

  • 6-7 egg white
  • 3 egg yolk
  • 2 big tablespoons of flour
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • a little bit vanilla sugar
  • rum
Whisk the egg white and add slowly the sugar. Mix egg yolk with vanilla sugar and rum and fold it carefully into the egg white. Pour the mixture into a greased baking dish in the form of a dumpling and bake it in the preheated oven approx. 12 min. at 180°C. Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve immediately.
Blueberry dumplings
Blueberry dumplings
Ingredients for 12 pieces:
  • 400 g Blueberries
  • 150 g flour
  • a little bit of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • approx. 120 ml water
Mix the blueberries with the flour, the sugar and the salt together. Boil the water, pour it over de mixture and mix it. Form the dumplings with a spoon and bake them in a pan with butter.
Maria Reiter
A tipp from our pastries queenMaria Reiter

Try my curd cheese strudel

Have you ever tried my delicious curd cheese strudel?
I prepare it with a fresh curd cheese from the Wolflehen from Filzmoos, that makes the strudel so enjoyable.

Recipe ideas from Martin Reiter senior

Chanterelle sauce
Chanterelle sauce
Ingredients for 4 servings:
  • approx. 800 g chanterelle
  • 80 g finely chopped onions
  • 2 tbsp chopped parsley
  • 60g butter or margarine
  • approx. 3/8 l whipped cream 
  • approx. 3/8 l soup
  • salt, pepper
Clean the chanterelles and cut them. Heat the butter, roast the onions, add the chanterelles and mix it. Steam it until the liquid is left. Add the whipped cream and the soup. Taste it with salt, pepper and parsley. Bring it again to boil.
Gulash soup
Gulash soup
Ingredients for 4 servings:
  • 200 g finely chopped onions
  • 250 g beef (shoulder or oder wad ham)
  • 40 g fat
  • 20 g sweet paprika powder
  • 1 ¼ l water or beef soup
  • 200 g potaotes, rare peeled of
  • 1 tsp. tomato paste
  • salt, caraway powder, marjoram
  • garlic, pressed
  • a dash of vinegar
  • maybe 20 g flour
Cut the beef and the potatoes in 1 centimeter big cubes. Heat the fat, roast the onions, add the meat and the paprika powder and mix it. Deglaze with vinegar, add tomato paste, pour in the soup or water, add the spices and steam for about 40 minutes. Add the potates and cook it a few minutes, until the potatoes are soft. If you want a more plump consistency, mix the flour with a little cold water, stir quickly into the boiling soup and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Goulash soup can be cooked in advance; can be kept refrigerated for approx. 1 week
Pongauer Kasnocken (cheese noodles)
Ingredients for 3 servings:
  • 400 g flour (type 480)
  • 100 g semolina flour
  • 4 eggs
  • approx. 200 g water
  • salt, pepper and paprika powder
  • mountain cheese, beer cheese
All ingredients are mixed together to form a smooth dough. Bring salted water to boil. Boil the dough in the water using a cam sieve and stir it to avoid lumps. Strain the cams and put it in a hot pan with butter. Taste it with salt, pepper and paprika. Then mix in the cheese and let it melt. Arrange on a preheated plate, sprinkle with chives and serve with a green salad.
Pork fillet with creamy pepper sauce, potato croquettes and stir-fried vegetables
Pork fillet with creamy pepper sauce, potato croquettes and stir-fried vegetables
Ingredients for 2 servings:
  • 400 g pork fillet
  • 2 tbsp. peppercorns (ground)
  • ¼ liter red wine
  • ¼ liter vegetable broth
  • etwas whipped cream
  • salt, pepper
  • some oil
Remove the fat and skins from the pork fillet and season with salt and pepper. Put some oil in a pan and heat it up. Roast the pork fillet until it has colored on every side. Take the fillet out of the pan and cook it at 180°C until the fillet has a temperatur from 54°C.

Pepper cream sauce:
Deglaze the roast set from the pan with the red wine then add the vegetable stock. Add the peppercorns. Taste the sauce with whipped cream and thicken with sauce thickener.

You can prepare the croquettes and stir-fry vegetables as you like!
Laid table
Zurich sliced ​​meat
Ingredients for 4 servings:
  • 600-750 g veal (fillet)
  • 200-250 g mushrooms
  • 1/2 piece onion
  • 150-200 ml whipped cream
  • 50 g fresh cream
  • 1 dash of white wine 
  • 1 dash of beef soup
  • salt
  • pepper
  • lemon juice
  • 1-2 tbsp flour
  • butter and oil
Cut the meat in small stripes. Mix it with salt, pepper and flour. Cut the onions and the clean mushrooms in stripes. Heat some butter and oil in a big pan and roast the meat on both sides. The meat should be pink on the inside. Drain excess fat from the pan and heat fresh butter for the onions. Add the mushrooms and roast everthing until the liquid is left. Taste it with salt and pepper, deglaze with a dash of white wine, add a little bit beef soup and whipped cream. Mix the crème fraîche with a little flour until it is smooth, add and reduce the sauce to the desired consistency. Add the meat and juice, briefly heat over a low heat, but do not let it boil anymore, otherwise the meat will become hard.
Venison ragout with bread dumplings © G.A.-Service
Just be satisfied
Martin Reiter
A tipp from our senior bossMartin Reiter
Do you fancy venison?
... if you like vension meals as much as I do, venison medallions are sure to be your favorites soon. It tastes even better with the Neubergerhof-venison spice.

Recipe ideas from Lars Uhlig

Buckwheat dumplings with mushroom filling
Buckwheat dumplings with mushroom filling
Buckwheat dough:
  • 100 g buckwheat flour fine
  • 100 g cooked potatoes -evaporated
  • 3 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp soft butter
  • 1 tbsp warm water
  • salt, pepper
Process all ingredients into a smooth dough and then leave to rest (covered).

Mushroom abundance:
  • 60 g cooked mushrooms 
  • 10 g onion – chopped
  • chopped parsley 
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • salt, pepper
Stew the onion in the butter, add the chopped mushrooms and taste it with salt, pepper and parsley. Roll out the buckwheat dough about 0.5 cm thick. Cut it with a 7 centimeter cookie cutter. Put the mushroom filling on top, brush the edges with water and then squeeze in half. Then bake in clarified butter until they are golden brown and serve them.
Salmon tartare with radish salad
Salmon tartare with radish salad
Ingredients for about 10 servings:
  • 200 g smoked salmon
  • 1 Stk. onion
  • 3 EL sour cream
  • pepper
  • salt
  • dill
For the salmon tartare, chop the onion very finely.
Put the slices on top of each other and cut it in small pieces. Take a sharp knife for the salmon.

Put the onion and salmon slices in a bowl with 3 tbsp sour cream. Taste it with salt and pepper.
Chop the dill finely and add it to the other ingredients. 

Radish salat ingredients:
  • 1 bunch radish
  • 3 tbsp salt
  • 12 tbsp wine vinegar or light balsamic vinegar
  • walnut oil
  • pepper
  • some chopped chives
  • 1 punch of sugar
Clean and dry the radish. Cut it in really finely slices and put it in a bowl. Add a punch of salt and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Taste it with vinegar, oil and sugar, mix it and leave it for 30 minutes at a cool place. Arrange the finished salad on the salmon tartare.
Tiroler dumplings
"Tiroler" dumplings
Ingredients for 4 persons:
  • 250 g dumpling bread
  • 1/8 l milk (hot)
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 piece onion (diced)
  • 100 g bacon (diced)
  • 100 g brunswick (diced)
  • 3 eggs
  • parsley
  • salt
Pour the milk over the dumpling bread. Toast the onion and bacon in the butter. Add it with the sausage and the eggs to the dumpling dough. Taste it with parsley and salt. If the dough is to soft, you can add some flour.
Form some dumplings out of the dough and cook it about 20 minutes in salted, hot water.
Thunfischsalat 2.0
Thunfischsalat 2.0
Thunfisch in Stücke teilen, etwas Mais, grüne Bohnen und roten Paprika nach Belieben dazumischen. Mit American Dressing vermengen.

American Dressing (für ca. 5 Portionen):
  • 200 gr (1 Tb.) Mayonnaise
  • 3 EL Ketchup
  • 2 TL Kren
  • 1 TL Weinbrand
  • Salz, Pfeffer und etwas Schlagobers
Alle Zutaten miteinander vermischen und verrühren.
Zutaten für 4 Portionen:
  • 200g Gurke
  • 30g Butter
  • 20g Mehl
  • 50g Zwiebeln
  • ¼ l Sauerrahm
  • 1 l Rindsuppe
  • 5 Dillstengel
  • 1 Esslöffel Dillspitzen gehackt
  • Salz, Pfeffer, Zitronensaft oder Essig
Gurke waschen, schälen, in kleine Stücke teilen. Butter schmelzen, klein-
geschnittene Zwiebeln glasig anlaufen lassen, Mehl beigeben, kurz anschwitzen. Mit heißer Suppe aufgießen, glattrühren, Gurken und Dillstengel beigeben. So lange unter fallweisem Umrühren kochen, bis die Gurkenstücke weich sind. Dillstengel entfernen, Suppe mixen (passieren), Sauerrahm glattrühren und unter die Suppe ziehen, nicht mehr kochen lassen. Gehackte Dille und Gewürze sowie Zitronensaft beifügen. Als Einlage fein geschnittene Gurkenstreifen beigeben.
Lars Uhlig
A tipp from our chefLars Uhlig
My favorite dish ...
... Carrot-ginger soup. Fruity and refreshing with a hint of Asia. Very recommendable and with a pastry, whether light or dark, very tasty!
Carrot-ginger soup © G.A.-Service
Just be satisfied
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