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 Our grandma Evi tells us about the past.
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Martin junior and the grandma © Selina Flasch Photography
You are a role model for many!

An impressive woman with an even more impressive life

Grandma Eva explains

First of all, we would like to say thank you to our dear grandma. Thank you for your joy, your loving way of making us grandchildren and great grandchildren laugh, thank you for your work, which you still do every day.

You have experienced many things, good and bad, and yet you have always remained yourself. You are a role model for many! You are the best grandma in the world!

Often our grandma tells us about the past, about the work as it used to be when there was no electricity, no running water or no roads leading up to Neuberg. How much fun she had at dance evenings and shoe-slapping, but also how hard everyday life was on the farm.

 Our grandma as a baby
 Grandma Evi with Geli, Martin jun. and Alexandra © Selina Flasch Photography

37 diaries since 1988

And what we find absolutely remarkable is that our grandma Evi has been writing a diary since 1988 and records day after day what is happening in the world and in Neuberg. She has already filled a total of 37 diaries with exciting daily reports. And Grandma is currently writing her 38th book.

And also with our grandma, as is probably the same with all grandmas in the world, she always has the best advice, knows the entire family tree and has stories about past times and lives. A conversation with grandma is so revealing, so exciting. Try it yourself! Funny anecdotes, old stories and interesting facts come to light at once.

And so, we asked our grandma:

“Grandma, when and where were you born and what was the world like that you were born into?”

“I was the eldest of seven children and was born on 14th December 1932. When I was born, World War I was just 14 years gone and the traces were still noticeable. World War II was just coming. It began in September 1939. We didn't have much, but we were happy with what we had. That wouldn't hurt people today.”

“When you were so many children, did you definitely play together? What games did you play when you were growing up? Or did you read a lot?”

“Temple hopping, one game was called. We played Ludo a lot and with my doll. Of course, we were outside a lot with the animals. Additionally, we collected pine cones and small roots in the forest. There we built a stable for our cone animals. In winter, of course, we went sledging. We didn’t read much. We only had 1 newspaper per week.”

“How did a normal day go?”

“Father went to work. He was employed in the highways maintenance. Mother looked after the children and the stable. She was hard-working and orderly. We inherited that from her! We got up at half past six and at 8 pm we had to be in bed. My sister and I, we had to be at school by half past seven. But before that, we had to do some work in the stable. Watering the cows using the 2 buckets from the well. I loved going to school as my friends were there. After school, the housework waited. In the evening, we had to wash our Dirndls, sweep the kitchen and dry the dishes. Our mother was sat on the spinning wheel.”

“What was your favourite food?”

“Meat pastries, apple and marmalade cake, cabbage or meat dumplings, muas, scotch soup, polenta, milk soup. My favourite food was, of course, everything with meat. That was only available on special days. But also on Sunday, from time to time, we had sausage dumplings. We didn't even have sausages all year round. My God, what a pleasure it is today.”

“How did you manage the household?”

“Everything used to be much slower. Everything was done by hand, but it worked. Everything was washed and cleaned without chemical agents. There was only soda, soap and a brush. Washing the laundry always took the longest. It was soaked in a vat with ash lime, boiled in a steamer, of course only the white laundry, then brushed with a brush and deer soap, spun, sponged in cold water and hung up. Every Wednesday and Saturday we had to clean the kitchen floor.”

“What do you think was the most ingenious invention?”

“Electricity. We got electric light in 1955. At that time, we had the first 25-Watt light bulb above the kitchen and parlour table. Otherwise, it was 15 Watts in the bedrooms, stable and in the hallway. And they always had to be turned off! Save electricity! The first electrical appliance was the iron in 1957 and then the washing machine.”

“What about your school and education?”

“I was first at school for 7 years. Of course, always on foot. I think the school day started at 8 a.m. I don't know for sure anymore. It's been over 75 years! Our school subjects were manners, arithmetic, writing, reading, drawing, local history, gymnastics, singing and religion. Also handicraft and that was my favourite subject. Later, I always wanted to be a cook or seamstress. Unfortunately, I didn't then study anything. At that time you had to pay a lot of money for an apprenticeship and unfortunately we didn't have that.

My first job was as a stable girl for a farmer and my earnings was 1 bag of sheep wool for 4 months of work. However, I started at the Landhaus Stadler as a cook for the Stadler family. I read lots and taught myself how to cook. Girls of my age used to read love stories whereas I just read cookbooks.”

"Where did you spend your spare time? And did you go out in your teenage years?”

“I was in the local brass band. So, we had to march at a lot of festivals and masked balls, which were very popular. There were no discos like today. I also met Grandpa at a masked ball. We went to weddings, shoe-slapping evenings, curling, maybe even a carnival or fire brigade ball.”

 Grandma and Grandpa at a wedding in Filzmoos
Grandma and Grandpa in festive clothes
“What was it like with Grandpa when you met and then got married?”

“It was just before my 22nd birthday when he asked me if I wanted to marry him. I said “yes”, of course. It used to be the case that you had to ask the bride's parents for her hand in marriage. Everything worked out well. On our wedding day it was cold, but nice, with lots of snow. We married on 21.11.1954. I was married to your grandpa then for 59 years.”

 The whole Reiter family
Grandma, Grandpa, Elfriede, Evi, Sepp, Martin
“And then you soon became a mum?”

“Yes, exactly. Our Elfriede was born in 1955, followed by Evi in 1956, Seppi in 1957 and Martin in 1959. 2 girls and 2 boys - great!”

“What is your most important tip for a successful relationship?”

“Love above all. Mutual respect, understanding and everlasting togetherness in every respect.”

“When did you first fly abroad?”

“That was 1977, a holiday in Gran Canaria. It was also our 1st flight. 3 weeks lazing around - that was too much for me!”

“What music did you like to listen to in the past?”

“Well, what do you think - folk music and pop!”

“What was your favourite piece of clothing?”

“The Dirndl dress, my costume, which I wore at our wedding and of course the 1st Salzburg traditional outfit.”

“What are the milestones of Neubergerhof/Bacherhof and tourism in Filzmoos?"
  • 1955 – Filzmoos gets its first post office, which was of course sensational for such a small community
  • 1958 - Founding of the transport association in Filzmoos (today's tourist board)
  • 1965 - on the 1st April, the foundation stone was laid for the Neubergerhof
  • 1970 - The opening of the gravel plant in Neuberg. Sand mining for the motorway. It was a difficult time and it took 10 years. But afterwards it was an advantage for our access road to the rearmost Neuberg
  • 1974 - The energy holidays were introduced in February, which was very good for tourism
  • 1988 - The new Bacherhof was built and then Martin and his Maria moved in there
  • 1993 - we handed over the business to our Martin and Sepp. Good luck!
The Reiter family today - 4 generations in one picture © Selina Flasch Photography
4 generations in one picture
“And what are the most beautiful things in your life?”

“My 4 children, the 12 grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren, who are all very close to my heart. For me, harmony is the greatest gift and, of course, health. But the continuation of the Bacherhof and Neubergerhof is also important for me. But my loved ones are already doing it.”

She could tell so much more, our grandma

About wisdom and important experiences.

About life’s wisdom and important experiences. But now we know one thing, no matter where you are at home in the world, it is love, cohesion and harmony that truly count. And that gives us the courage and strength that we too continue the Neubergerhof as it has been. With a lot of love and passion in the midst of the beautiful nature of Neuberg.

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