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Maria’s favourite dessert

We all know, the autumn has a lot to offer in culinary terms. Think of the yummy pumpkin recipes or the delicious chestnuts. Doesn’t your mouth water as well?


But the autumn has much more preference than that. Of course, there are so much delicious vegetables. Also the fruits reach the full maturity and can be harvested.

Among other things, our favourite fruit.


In Germany or Austria there is no fruit that is more popular than the apple. We love him too.

If pure, cooked or – in the best case – processed into a yummy cake.

So that we can sweeten the time until your next Neubergerhof vacation, Maria reveals her favourite dessert recipe from the apple-nut-cake.


  • 250g butter
  • 250g powdered sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 EL cinnamon powder
  • 1 TL baking powder
  • 150g grated hazelnuts
  • 200g flour
  • 4 medium sized apples


  1. Stir the butter and the powdered sugar foamy and add the eggs
  2. Sift the flour with the cinnamon and baking powder and lift it under the dough
  3. Cut the apples in thin wedges, add the hazelnuts, and mix everything together
  4. Spread the mixture on a greased, floured baking sheet and bake it with 160 degrees approx. 40 minutes


Maria wishes you lots of fun!

P.S.: We would be happy to admire your masterpieces. So, if you make an Instagram story of your beautiful cake, tag us with @neubergerhof.


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